The word Change in the English dictionary says that change is “something that you make different” or to “modify”. Depending on the season of your life, your level of experiencing change with time will tell. No one likes experiencing change. It’s one of those things that doesn’t have a face, yet when we pay attention, we know where we need it the most. Somehow, we see it.
Change is inevitable. It’s necessary. It’s when you no longer like who you are. It’s when you notice you are not living life, life is living you.
Situations, circumstances and other factors drive change. Expect life to change for you and when it does, accept it and embrace it. Don’t fight it and be grateful. Your life is starting over, move forward.
We have been conditioned to fear change. Change usually brings pain, so we try to avoid it. We numb our pain of change and bury it. We deprive ourselves of change, by thinking that it’s not needed. When it comes, we don’t welcome it. We reject it.
We like how it is now, so we hide and seek it only when we are experiencing suffering. We like how it is now. We don’t like to rock the boat. We wait until the boat is sinking to make change.
Although we do not need permission to change, sometimes we need to listen to those that tell us we are in need of change. We ask others to
change for us. We spend years trying to change others, instead of looking inside ourselves. That’s the starting point of change.
Be The Change You wish To see In the World=Ghandi
I spent years speaking to people in hopes of them changing their ways and everyone, including me, remained the same. I wasn’t modeling the change I wanted to see at the time. I started with my tone. My tone has always been a problem. So I chose to first change the way I spoke to people. Change the way you speak. Make sure you are not causing a divide with your words. Let change be exciting. Don’t be afraid of the unknown, be more afraid of staying the same.
Ways in which we can begin to practice change is to
- Apply what you have read to your life. Don’t just be a reader, action must follow suit.
- Stop rationalizing your actions. Taking a risk, although scary, it must be done.
- Let new information enter your mind. New information replaces old information.
Did you know that the The law of denial says that we avoid living to our biggest potential?
In order to be authentic, make an action plan for the changes. When we see things on paper, it gives us a different perspective.
I encourage you to write down in complete thoughts, your current state of pain? and then create a three-step plan on how to take steps towards reducing that current state of emotional being. Start somewhere.
When practicing change, effective decision making is most preferred, however let’s face it, decision making becomes fearful. We actually have avoided our responsibilities for fear of getting started or the fear of having to choose.
As we become hesitant and indecisive in making important decisions, we don’t get to see a problem and solution with clarity. Now we became overthinkers. Overthinking does not serve us. The results of decisions made, become lessons to be learned. Do we choose door #1 or door #2 without knowing what’s behind either one? Have the faith that your intentions will bring forth favor, and then make a choice to make the decision. Process and planning!
Starting Point
- Make a commitment to your direction ( create this bond or agreement with yourself)
- Set the plan of change
- Stay on track with a plan, no matter the obstacles presented at the time.
- Practice your pros and cons.
- Lastly, always be honest and have clarity – with what you want