saez & co.

Mind, Body, Balance

PECOS CMS Medicare Training


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Workshop Title: PECOS CMS Medicare Training

Date: September 1, 2023

Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Location: Saez Consultants, LLC   Invitation for zoom via email


This workshop will provide an overview of the PECOS database and how it is used by CMS to process Medicare claims. Participants will learn about the different types of information that is stored in PECOS, how to access the database, and how to use the information to verify Medicare eligibility and Provider enrollment.


This workshop is designed for healthcare professionals who need to verify Medicare eligibility. This includes billing and coding professionals, medical assistants, and front-office staff.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the purpose of the PECOS database
  • Identify the different types of information that is stored in PECOS
  • Access the PECOS database
  • Use the PECOS database to verify Medicare eligibility

Workshop Agenda:

  • Introduction to PECOS
  • Types of information stored in PECOS
  • How to access PECOS
  • How to use PECOS to verify Medicare eligibility
  • Q&A


The cost of the workshop is $100 per person.

To register:

Please visit our website or call us at 386-547-9276

We hope to see you at our PECOS CMS Medicare Training workshop!


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