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Mind, Body, Balance

The Emotional Rollercoaster: Exploring the Interplay of Feelings, Emotions, and Triggers

Triggers are stimuli that cause a strong emotional or physiological response, especially in people who have a history of trauma. Triggers can be anything that reminds a person of the traumatic event, such as a sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch. They can also be more abstract things, such as a certain time of year, a certain holiday, or even a certain thought pattern.

 When you are triggered, choose to respond differently. By responding differently, you can remain calm, composed, and unaffected by the chaos around you. Acknowledge and manage your emotions so they don’t control you.

When a person experiences an overflow of emotions, there is a disconnection between two important spheres of the brain.  Peaceful Chaos by Michael A. Singer. Published by Hay House, Inc., 2019.

The limbic system is the part of the brain that controls emotions, and the neocortex is the part of the brain that controls reasoning and reflection. This is why it is important to try to reason with someone who is in an emotional crisis.

All emotions have a purpose and help us survive and grow. They guide us towards what is good for us and away from what is harmful. When we feel joy, it is a sign that we are connected to things that are good for us. When we feel anger, it is a sign that there may be something blocking our well-being.

Emotions are triggered by signals released by our brains in response to perceived threats or opportunities. Our perceptions shape our emotions. According to neuroscience, emotions typically last around 90 seconds. Emotions themselves are neutral, but it is our interpretation and reaction to them that determine whether we perceive them as positive or negative. Many people confuse emotions and feelings.

Emotions versus feelings

Emotions are short-lived physiological reactions that prepare our bodies to respond to environmental stimuli. They typically last for just 3 to 4 minutes and involve a surge of energy that mobilizes us for fight-or-flight responses.

Anxiety and disappointment are subtypes of fear and sadness, respectively. When we can’t let go of an emotion, it is often because we are caught in a cycle of rumination or worry. This can be characterized by constantly replaying past events or dwelling on future uncertainties.

Emotions are complex and multifaceted, and they can be influenced by a variety of factors, including our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. When we experience an emotion repeatedly, it can become associated with certain mental activities, such as rumination or worry. These mental activities can then trigger the emotion again and again, making it difficult to let go.

If you are struggling to let go of an emotion, it may be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor. They can help you to identify the mental activities that are keeping you stuck and develop strategies for breaking the cycle.


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